Saturday, September 29, 2012

Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month

Before March 2010, I had no idea what a thyroid was, much less thyroid cancer.....In May 2009, my good friend Corina convinced me to go with her to a Life Line Screening at school. The test was about $100 and I thought it was pretty expensive. Eventually, I gave in and went to have the tests done. In July 2009, I got my results in the mail and they were abnormal. For awhile now, I had been feeling extremely tired, I was at my heaviest weight, and I was very unhappy. Worst of all I couldn't get pregnant.  Everything in my life suffered.. my job, my relationships, my poor house, and I stopped crafting and scrapbooking.  Dr's couldn't figure out what was wrong- one dr. even told me to "lay off the fajitas" errrrr.. another told me it was all in my head, which made me feel even worse. So when this came to light, we did a little research and found that the thyroid is a kind of gland, that can affect a lot- your weight, your energy, it can even cause infertility and depression. Great! finally some validation that I wasn't crazy.... but then the word CANCER came into our radar.. I was scared, but I didn't worry much about it, my doctor assured me that it would be ok and that most of the time, the modules or cysts were benign. I finally contacted a doctor in San Antonio, Dr. Jaime Cruz. I had 2 biopsy's done and after the second test, Dr. Cruz's nurse called that the doctor needed to see us. We traveled to San Antonio reassuring ourselves that it was ok and whatever happened we would be fine. After greeting us, Dr. Cruz sat down and said " its cancer".... Marc gasped and I froze, I could hear him talking, but I couldn't understand... It hit me like a ton of bricks. A few days later
( March 2010), I had a total thyroidectomy and dr's learned the cancer had spread to my lymph nodes. After the surgery, I was also having trouble breathing, So the surgeon, Dr. McManus had to insert a trach. Once I woke from surgery- reality set in and my journey with Cancer began. First the awful trach- it was a nightmare!! For 4 months, I had that thing, it made taking a decent shower impossible, it was pain and I hated every second!!  Worst part, my vocal cords were damaged and the dr. feared I would never get my voice back, also I would not be able to finish the year at school. It was the hardest thing to know I would not be able to finish the year with my class- it was heartbreaking.  I  Did some speech therapy, but mostly I made myself talk, even if I was in pain.  I also had to do the low iodine diet, which means absolutely no salt.. no flavor :(  Then I had radiation.. twice. It wasn't a walk in the park.... but I was lucky- No chemo and my cancer cells are so low now, they are almost non- existent. :)
I couldn't have survived this hell, if it weren't for prayer, my friends, family, and of course my wonderful sweetie, who supported me and took care of me every step of the way. I still have my bad days, but I'm doing good.. Thank God!
September is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month and like me a lot of people don't know about Thyroid
Cancer or Thyroid disease. So like any other cancer, we have to be informed on how we can find and fight this disease, before it's to late. I always say.. If it weren't for Life Line screenings, who knows where I'd be today.
You can find out about Thyroid Cancer here and here
And here's a link to Life Line Screenings- They saved my life... and of course my Dr's ( Dr. Jaime Cruz and Dr. Keiko McManuss. They are more than doctors to us they are part of the family! They are our heros!! Love them!!

Be back later with how we did with our September to-list!!

Take care & God Bless!


Monday, September 3, 2012

September To-Do List

Now that school has started, I don't have a lot of time to do things around my little house. So instead of having a weekly to- do list, I have decided to do a monthly to do list:

My House To-Do List

Get new mattresses
Re-arrange our bedroom
Take out all our old clothes from closet
Clean & organize master closet (phase 1)
Clean my scrap cabinet
Start buying stuff- mirror, baseboard, paint, & accessories for guest bath remodel
ORGANIZE MARC'S DESK!!!!!!!!- yeah this needs to be done!!!!PRONTO!!
Organize & line kitchen drawers
Finish off the finishing touches in laundry area
Finishing packing & take all the garage sale stuff to my aunts
Replace lights in laundry area, office, and hall
Switch living room ceiling fan to master bedroom & put new ceiling fan in living room
Organize memorabilia and into nice big boxes in closet
Re-pave front walkway

The Crafty List

Work on Project Life- GET CAUGHT UP!!
Finish my niece's senior scrapbook- I REALLY NEED TO FINISH THIS!! She's already in college, lol!
Start organizing my nephew's baby album
Start putting together Christmas planner
Spray paint some decor for kitchen
Re-vamp charging station
Make wreath for classroom
Start planning Halloween/ Fall decor

September will be a busy month, so wish me luck. My goal for October- to stay more weekends at home!! It will help so much- I'm sure the hubby will like that!!

Asta Luego.....
