Saturday, July 7, 2012

Summer To-Do List Update

Here's wishing everyone had a great 4th of July!!

We spent the evening watching fireworks and eating hotdogs in our backyard. Nothing like family and summer fun- great combination!
So here's how I did with my weekly To-Do list

1.  Clean and organize upper kitchen cabinets
2.  Start cleaning up spare room
3.  Clean up bookcase & expedits in office. Also stuff on floor.
4.  Clean and Organize Marc's desk

YES!! I was able to do almost everything on my list. I finished organizing my upper cabinets, I cleaned up my book case, and Marc is finishing cleaning up his desk as we I as I type, I mean. I also tackled the spare room and should finish by today or tomorrow. I still need to reorganize and re-arrange the expedits in my office.


1. Work on my niece's senior album
2.  Work on project life
3.  Make 1-2 scrapbook pages
4.  Put together Christmas planner

Yes, I stayed up way past my bedtime two nights this week, working on my niece's senior album. All I need to do is print some photos and journaling blocks, and finish the title page. I'm also waiting on some pictures from her graduation and some big envelopes from Becky Higgins and I'm done. I also organized all my project life memorabilia. It had been collecting on a shelf and I put everything together according to date, along with pictures. My Christmas planner is still not printed and extra scrapbook pages have not been created... :(
Gotta say I'm a little disappointed... & I also want to start making activities for school. And the crafty things are just not getting done. So, my very good friend, Corina and I are going to meet every Wednesday until school begins to make activities for centers and small group instruction. It will also give us a chance/excuse to pig out and watch all those scary ghost/paranormal shows on SYFY. LOL!  While we work of course, it will be our own "Make and Take Wednesdays"....I also want to take a day off on Fridays from all the organizing and cleaning and craft for a good 2-3 hours or more & see how it goes.  Well I'm going to go have dinner and work on my pinterest challenge project. Tune in on Tuesday to see how it went, keep your  fingers (& toes) crossed! Asta Luego... Thanks!


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