Thursday, February 28, 2013

Valentine's Day Crafts!!

Better late than never!! This Valentine's day I made some simple, easy gifts for my friends at work, as well as for my students. 

I used some ziplock bags and added some fundip, toy, crayons, and other candy for a simple gift for my students. I stapled a little owl card at the top. For my co-workers, I put together some simple gifts I found on-line-thank you PINTEREST!!

Lastly, we put together these cards for the kiddos to give to their parents- LOVED how they turned out!! Again, Thank you, Pinterest!

Nothing Special, but I'm so happy I got to do something crafty!!! I missed out yet again on the Pinterest challenge over at YOUNG HOUSE LOVE/BOWER POWER, but I'm going to start planning for the spring one, so I can be ready!!

What did you give your Valentine???

Lots of LOVE,

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Quick Update

January has been a very busy month and February is just as busy... But I have lots to share. My biggest project is conquering are laundry and clothing clutter. It's a huge problem, but we've gotten rid of lots of stuff, organized some drawers. I also want to do the kitchen challenge with Jen over at I heart organizing. I missed out on the Office organizing month :( ... but I'm also planning a major overhaul of our office/craftroom very soon. Also I got my seafoam kit in the mail, but with all the stuff happening around here I haven't even opened it. I also have another binder/planner idea to share. I'm still motivated and things are coming along slowly.

Are you still motivated???
Till next time...